Training in Zambia

This is Brian’s seventh trip to Zambia and my second. On early trips, Brian did training geared toward coaches. Last time I did training at 2 or 3 different schools. This time our trainings have shifted.

Lusaka, the capital city, is becoming a very modern place, with lots of new construction, roads, hospitals and shopping centers. Lots of this growth is propelled by the Chinese.

I’ve just spent 3 great days training staff at Campus Crusade for Christ-Zambia in all things technology. We created so many things..
✔️ in ChatGPT …. 💥 🤯
✔️Google Forms
✔️ Hyperlinks
✔️ Canva images and newsletters
✔️ Gmail Signatures and labels for organizing
✔️ short links and QR Codes
✔️ Chrome Bookmarks and folders
We learned how to organize and share documents in Google Drive.
This work will support the Digital Strategies Ministry and other teams at Campus Crusade.

Brian did a 3 day referee clinic with over 30 referees from across Zambia. The refs were very excited about the high quality referee whistles that Brian brought to leave with them.

Our teammate Jesse visited a prison where he met with prisoners and worked with guards. On days two and three he then did two Incident Command System trainings with 2 different police stations on the outskirts of Lusaka.

Our time in Zambia felt short as we arrived in the middle of the night on Sunday. Monday we slept in a bit and did some errands and shopping at a tourist market.

Our big event Monday was an evening banquet with Athletes in Action coaches and special Zambia family members. A surprise at the end of the night was a fancy personalized anniversary cake in celebration of our 30th wedding anniversary on July 24th.

Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday were long days of training for each of us as described above. The evenings were very special this time as we are staying at a new guest house that our dear friends Chris and Anne Musonda have recently finished building.  That meant that each night, instead of eating at a restaurant, we were able to enjoy traditional home-cooked meals with their family. This meant lots of great visiting and catching up.

The last night was especially great as their adult daughters (and a new spouse) came to visit as well.  Anne and Chris have 6 children  and have always had extra nieces and nephews in their care as well. Over the past 15 years we have helped to provide school fees for the kids.

Our flight home begins in Lusaka, Zambia at 3 pm on Friday. We will arrive in Calgary at about 2 pm on Saturday, which will be 10 pm Saturday  back in Zambia.  So we are about to set off on a 30+ hour journey home.

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